Tuesday, August 20, 2013

how to impress your boss

Regardless of whether you love or loathe your boss, this is the individual you need to impress if you want to get ahead and enjoy a fruitful career. Get on the right side of your boss and you’ll not only have a better chance of future promotion, the workplace in general will be a more pleasant environment for you. Below, we look at 5 tips to help you get in the good books of the boss. We are assuming that you’re a competent employee with a reasonable work ethic since most staff members in an organization have issues getting recognition rather than merely completing their daily tasks.
Be the Vacuum
By this we mean that you need to become the employee that completes all the little tasks everyone else forgets about. This can range from a specific work process to ensuring the air conditioning is turned on in the morning. This doesn’t mean you should become the office mule but it’s important to take some pride in your work. Un-jamming the photocopier is a perfect example; it happens a lot, is irritating and most people have no idea how to fix it. Becoming the office problem solver will garner attention from the boss.
Highlight Innovations
Although the ideal scenario is for you to be the innovator, the next best thing is to show that you’re on top of the latest trends in your industry. Look for news stories that cover your industry, scan and send a copy to everyone, including your boss, via email. By showing your awareness of the organization’s role in the bigger picture, you send out a powerful message to the boss.
Keep a Neat Work Space
This isn’t as easy as it looks! Too neat and it looks like you’re doing nothing, too cluttered and you look disorganized. Assuming you have a personal filing cabinet, use it! Make sure your papers are neatly ordered and take a minute or two at the end of each work day to clean it up. Savvy bosses notice this kind of thing.
First In, Last Out
This is another balancing act because staying too late makes it look like you’re falling behind. Think of punctuality from the perspective of your boss: an employee that barely makes it in on time looks like he doesn’t care about work and is only there because he has to be. An employee that is always 10-15 minutes early looks eager to be at work and gives off a positive impression.
Improve Your Fashion Sense
If you want to be promoted, be aware of how employees a step up from you dress and emulate it. Arriving at work looking scruffy makes it appear as if you don’t care about promotion and don’t worry, you won’t get one!

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