Tuesday, August 20, 2013


It is clear that nowadays Google Glass is creating a lot of hype in the media. Google has said that the product will eventually create mainstream once it reaches the marketplace. Estimates have indicated that Google glass will not be available until 2014.
You may be asking yourself “why all the buzz?”.  The truth is Google Glass will have a vital impact on how to use digital media and how to carry out various functions like taking photos or videos and sending speech-to-text messages.
Google glasses are worn just like any other glasses and they can be activated to function via commands. You may for example want directions to a local pub or restaurant, you can use Google Glass commands to get there. The directions appear right in front of your eyes.
You can update your current view by building a web cam and using it with the Google maps or GPS to help you get to the location you want. The results for the information or direction you want will be shown on a prism which is also located above your eye line.
Another good thing about Google Glass is that it can be used to record videos. You may want to record a special occasion for your family. All you need is to record the event and then send it direct to email or text.You can also share it with your friends and loved ones. Google Glass will also help you to hang out with groups on Google plus and this will help you engage in different activities.
Google Glass contains Apps that help with the development and the process of how it works. Video conferencing is one of the additional options that come with the glass as it is easier to implement.
Even with the high technology and efficiency that Google glass comes with, It does raise concerns on how many problems it can bring on one’s privacy.
For instance, you may be in a party and you find someone wearing the Google Glass, you may not be sure whether or not he is recording you or the other people on the party. Google glass functions in a less flashy if not totally hidden manner.
The truth is that you may not be too sure of what Google Glass can do with your information. As you wear the glass your privacy and security is not assured any longer.

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