Tuesday, August 20, 2013

has technology reached its end

Do you think that technology has started to reach its limits and that there isn’t much room left for innovation? Do you think that at some point, we simply won’t be able to develop any further? Or do you think that technology will never stop progressing and that the world will become more and more interconnected? Personally, I think we will continue advancing until the human race dies off, and no one can even imagine how far we will go. The best thing for buyers and providers  is that they are in an ideal position to succeed as technology advances.
Moore’s Law
Moore’s Law is one thing that shows that the human race will continue to advance in terms of technology. In 1965 Gordon E. Moore, a co-founder at Intel, noticed that the number of transistors on integrated circuits was doubling every two years or so. This means that every two years integrated circuits are much more advanced than they were previously because more transistors means that the circuits can work faster. This “law” has been consistent since the 1950s, and this is evidence that technology is advancing ever onward.
Where the Freelancers Fit
How many of you have providers or buyers who live in a different country from you? Despite being hundreds if not thousands of miles apart, you are still able to work together. As technology advances, the world gets smaller and smaller. This means that the things that used to be barriers, such as distance, matter less and less.
Freelancers are already accustomed to this. As a group, we are used to using innovative technologies like Skype, Dropbox, Google Drive, and more. Technologies like these make it easier to work with buyers all around the world. In many instances, freelancers are some of the first users of technologies like these because freelancers are used to trying new things. Most freelancers are very flexible. They can work from just about anywhere, and many of them work in a variety of fields. As technology makes the traditional office setup more and more obsolete, freelancers will be ready.
As Technology Advances, You Can’t Stand Still
If you stand still, everyone will pass you by. Freelancers need to stay up to date in order to stay competitive. You can do this by reading various blogs about new technology. Take note of what you can use in your freelancing business. For example, Dropbox might be useful for content writers since it can be used to send a large amount of documents to buyers.
Staying up to date also means keeping your hardware and software up to date. Computers and laptops need to be replaced periodically. Most people replace their computers every two to five years, and desktops generally last a little longer since they’re not moved around as often. No matter which field you work in, you will want to keep your software up to date as well. For example, a writer shouldn’t use a really out of date word processor.
As long as the human race exists, there will be innovation and new technology because the imagination of the human race simply cannot be repressed. Freelancers will thrive as technology advances because they are used to breaking traditions and trying new things

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