On his death bed, Alexander summoned his army generals and told them his three ultimate wishes:
#1. The best doctors should carry his coffin...
#2. The wealth he has accumulated (money, gold, precious stones) should be scattered along the procession to the cemetery...
#3. His hands should be let loose, so they hang outside the coffin for all to see!!
One of his generals who was surprised by these unusual requests asked Alexander to explain.
Here is what Alexander the Great had to say:
#1. "I want the best doctors to carry my coffin to demonstrate that in the face of death, even the best doctors in the world have no power to heal .."
#2. "I want the road to be covered with my treasure so that everybody sees that material wealth acquired on earth, will stay on earth..."
#3. I want my hands to swing in the wind, so that people understand that we come to this world empty handed and we leave this world empty handed after the most precious treasure of all is exhausted, and that is: TIME.
We do not take to our grave any material wealth. TIME is our most precious treasure because it is LIMITED. We can produce more wealth, but we cannot produce more TIME.
When we give someone our time, we actually give a portion of our life that we will never take back.
Wednesday, August 12, 2015
Thursday, July 30, 2015
Call for Applications - GEMS4 Launches £3.5 Million Funding Window For Women Empowerment
Charged with the mandate to catalyze private sector investment in innovative, commercially viable, and inclusive business models that result in improved performance, job creation and improved income opportunities for poor men and women engaged in the Wholesale and Retail sector, two funding windows have been launched by the Growth and Employment in States – Wholesale and Retail Sector (GEMS4) - a market development project in Nigeria funded by DFID/UKaid and the World Bank.
It has been identified that 7 out of every 10 baskets of perishable food produce such as tomatoes, pepper, and vegetables are lost within the value chain before it gets to the end consumer due to poor preservation techniques and storage facilities, while many women in the wholesale and retail sector which contributed (N22 trillion) to the 2014 national GDP are poor.
The GEMS4 Enterprise Challenge Fund is a £3.5 million private sector development matching grant fund set to provide financial and technical support to innovative business ideas that will either tackle the loss of perishable produce due to spoilage and wastage, or create income opportunities in the sector for women.
The funding windows were created in a bid to spur the private sector into developing and providing the needed solution. Although the fund is focused on business innovation and solutions, applying organisations and projects must meet certain key criteria to be eligible to apply for grant funding support.
The best ideas will receive grant investment of up to £150,000 with special consideration for applications from women owned or managed enterprises.
Eligible organisations are encouraged to apply for the GEMS4 Enterprise Challenge Fund through the following Funding Windows which are currently open for application:
Women Economic Empowerment -Term Sheet
Women Economic Empowerment - Application Form
Off Grid Storage Solutions - Term Sheet
Off Grid Storage Solutions - Application Form
Each funding window seeks to address a specific market problem facing small and medium enterprises, small-holder farmers/producers, poor and vulnerable men and women engaged in economic activities within the wholesale and retail sector, and its value chain.
By improving private sector perceptions of the associated costs and benefits of innovating and adopting pro-poor models, it will encourage replication. It is intended that the impact of funding given to an individual project will be multiplied by the resulting and recurring changes to perceptions and practices in the Wholesale and Retail Sector.
Deadline for submission of applications is 24th August, 2015. Applications submitted after the deadline date will not be accepted or processed.
Please send clarification questions and enquiries to the fund manager on challengefund@coffeynigeria.com or call +23413428155
for information visit Gems4Nigeria for how to participate. Follow #GEMS4ChallengeFund online for updates.
Terms and conditions apply.
personal finance lessons from the book "Richest man in Babylon".
Babylon as at the time was the richest kingdom in the world. Although a very rich nation its citizens were sinking in the seas of poverty. The king became worried and wondered why so few of the people acquired the gold. The chancellor investigated and brought back his observations that only a few of the people had the knowledge of safekeeping part of the gold they received. For others to be taught how to keep a part of the gold, Arkard, then the richest man in Babylon was called upon to handle the job and he titled his lecture “the seven cures for a lean purse”. They are
1. Start fattening your purse. The very first he prescribed was for every ten coins earned, a tenth of it should be kept.
2. Control your expenses. To do this, you do not confuse your “needs” with your “wants or desires”. Everybody is with more wants than he can actually backup with money. A budget must be made for the necessary expenses. The budget reveals the crevasses and holes in your purse and enables you to seal them.
3. Multiply your wealth. When you have been able to control your expenses, your wealth should multiply. A man’s wealth is not the amount of money he carries about but the golden scream that continually flows into his purse. Put each coin to labouring that it may reproduce its kind and multiply your wealth, a source of continous wealth. Relating this point to today’s world, though gold is no longer in use, we still have expenses to handle. By investing part of your earned income properly, you should multiply your wealth.
4. Guard your treasures from loss. Learn to invest your income only where it is safe where your money could be recollected when desired with fair interest. Seek relevant information from very reliable sources study carefully before entrusting your money into any investment, make acquaintance with the risks involved. Here is how his first investment went.
- “My own investment was a tragedy to me at the time. I entrusted the guarded savings of a year to a brick maker named Azmur, who was traveling over the far seas to Tyre and agreed to buy for me the rare jewels of the Phoenicians. These we would sell upon his return and divide the profits. As it happened, the Phoenicians were scoundrels and sold him bits of glass. My treasure was lost. Today, my training would show to me at once the folly of entrusting a bricklayer to buy jewels.
5. Make your home a profitable investment. Money lenders gladly consider the desires of men who seek homes and bind for their families. Readily, may you borrow to pay the bricklayer and builders for such commendable purposes if you can show a reasonable portion of the necessary sum which you had provided for the purpose.
After completion of the house, you can pay the money lenders with the same regularity as you were paying the Landlord. This is because each payment reduces your indebtedness to the borrower and will reduce your cost of living, making available more of your earnings for pleasure and gratification of your desires.
6. Ensure a future Income. The man who because of his understanding of the laws of wealth acquires growing surplus should give thoughts to those future days. He should plan certain investments or provisions that’ll endure safely for many years, yet will be available when the time arrives which he has so wisely anticipated. There are so many ways a man may provide for his future. Summarily, his sixth lecture was on investment. By so doing, you accumulate wealth for yourself and to keep you going at a time you are unable to keep your job going.
7. Increase your ability to earn. He said “a young man came to me complaining that his income from his job was not enough to pay his expenses. There upon I told him that this being the case, he was a poor customer for the money lender, as he possessed no surplus earning capacity to repay the loan. The man told me that he had been going to his employer six times weekly to seen an increase in his wage but it has always been to no avail. According to Arkard the man possessed what was required to earn more, a proper and commendable desire. Desire must precede accomplishment. The secret of people whom today serve as our idols role models etc is their determination before anything can be accomplished. The man lacked a basic principle towards earning more which is determination. There are many channels via which an individual can earn more even without a raise in wage. He lacked knowledge. The seventh and last remedy concerns cultivating your own powers; to study and become wiser; to become more skilful; to be more determined; act big, think big and talk big. Always carry out the affairs of man change and improve because keen minded people seek grater skills that would enable them to better serve those upon whose patronage they depend. The more of wisdom we know, the more we earn. The man who seeks to learn more of his craft shall be richly rewarded. Desire should be backed up with determination. These desires must be simple and definite. They defeat their own purpose should they be too many too confusing or beyond a man’s training to accomplish. At times when people are introduced to investment, they marvel and wonder where they are to get money for investment purposes. Unless you take total control of your expenses, the debt burden on you could lead you to an early demise. It is a well known fact that what an individual earns is not a major determinant of his wealth. The reason being that the money has conflicting needs. Our society is constantly changing so also our desires and needs. Certain people prefer sinking in the sea of illusions rather than have the freedom of real wealth. They choose lifestyle rather than riches. Many bosses are the ones that are caught by this problem. They always spend so much money on rather liabilities than assets. They feel investment is waste of good money. They are tied to just what they earn. Some of them rather think that very huge sums of money are required for investments without knowing that you have to start gradually and invest in good ventures. The money keeps increasing and multiplying itself. Some people blame their incapability to the fact that they are from very poor families. Research has shown that people from poor families are more hardworking than their rich counterparts. The fact is that we are on an endless treadmill where we work, generate income, expend our incomes and continue working. Robert Kiyosaki calls it the “rat race”. It is a race where very hardworking people who choose to toil for their money and not embezzle end up with nothing to show for their labour because the income is already expended before it is received. Riches increase rather than satisfy desires. Wealth creation entails proper financial management. It is difficult for people to practice this because they consider it too risky. Remember there’s a risk in crossing the road and there’s a risk in not crossing the road. Every bit of money we get our hands on gives us the power to choose our future whether to be rich or poor. This money is a little soldier on our battlefield of wealth. Liabilities kills the soldier while asset empowers the soldier to produce more soldiers of its kind to continue battling for your financial security.
The basics towards wealth creation is paying yourself first. Something of note is that you are part of the reason other people get wealthy. Each liability bought empowers another man’s soldier to multiply. Financial intelligence according to Robert J. Kiyosaki is made up of the ability to read numbers, the science of making money from nothing, understanding market trends and the awareness of the laws and
regulations governing investing. A combination of all these elements is needed to become successful in wealth creation.
Financial intelligence is necessary for the making of a good investor. Becoming a good and knowledgeable investor comes by experience most times. The media today has made very inexpensive convenient ways of educating you about financial markets.
1. Start fattening your purse. The very first he prescribed was for every ten coins earned, a tenth of it should be kept.
2. Control your expenses. To do this, you do not confuse your “needs” with your “wants or desires”. Everybody is with more wants than he can actually backup with money. A budget must be made for the necessary expenses. The budget reveals the crevasses and holes in your purse and enables you to seal them.
3. Multiply your wealth. When you have been able to control your expenses, your wealth should multiply. A man’s wealth is not the amount of money he carries about but the golden scream that continually flows into his purse. Put each coin to labouring that it may reproduce its kind and multiply your wealth, a source of continous wealth. Relating this point to today’s world, though gold is no longer in use, we still have expenses to handle. By investing part of your earned income properly, you should multiply your wealth.
4. Guard your treasures from loss. Learn to invest your income only where it is safe where your money could be recollected when desired with fair interest. Seek relevant information from very reliable sources study carefully before entrusting your money into any investment, make acquaintance with the risks involved. Here is how his first investment went.
- “My own investment was a tragedy to me at the time. I entrusted the guarded savings of a year to a brick maker named Azmur, who was traveling over the far seas to Tyre and agreed to buy for me the rare jewels of the Phoenicians. These we would sell upon his return and divide the profits. As it happened, the Phoenicians were scoundrels and sold him bits of glass. My treasure was lost. Today, my training would show to me at once the folly of entrusting a bricklayer to buy jewels.
5. Make your home a profitable investment. Money lenders gladly consider the desires of men who seek homes and bind for their families. Readily, may you borrow to pay the bricklayer and builders for such commendable purposes if you can show a reasonable portion of the necessary sum which you had provided for the purpose.
After completion of the house, you can pay the money lenders with the same regularity as you were paying the Landlord. This is because each payment reduces your indebtedness to the borrower and will reduce your cost of living, making available more of your earnings for pleasure and gratification of your desires.
6. Ensure a future Income. The man who because of his understanding of the laws of wealth acquires growing surplus should give thoughts to those future days. He should plan certain investments or provisions that’ll endure safely for many years, yet will be available when the time arrives which he has so wisely anticipated. There are so many ways a man may provide for his future. Summarily, his sixth lecture was on investment. By so doing, you accumulate wealth for yourself and to keep you going at a time you are unable to keep your job going.
7. Increase your ability to earn. He said “a young man came to me complaining that his income from his job was not enough to pay his expenses. There upon I told him that this being the case, he was a poor customer for the money lender, as he possessed no surplus earning capacity to repay the loan. The man told me that he had been going to his employer six times weekly to seen an increase in his wage but it has always been to no avail. According to Arkard the man possessed what was required to earn more, a proper and commendable desire. Desire must precede accomplishment. The secret of people whom today serve as our idols role models etc is their determination before anything can be accomplished. The man lacked a basic principle towards earning more which is determination. There are many channels via which an individual can earn more even without a raise in wage. He lacked knowledge. The seventh and last remedy concerns cultivating your own powers; to study and become wiser; to become more skilful; to be more determined; act big, think big and talk big. Always carry out the affairs of man change and improve because keen minded people seek grater skills that would enable them to better serve those upon whose patronage they depend. The more of wisdom we know, the more we earn. The man who seeks to learn more of his craft shall be richly rewarded. Desire should be backed up with determination. These desires must be simple and definite. They defeat their own purpose should they be too many too confusing or beyond a man’s training to accomplish. At times when people are introduced to investment, they marvel and wonder where they are to get money for investment purposes. Unless you take total control of your expenses, the debt burden on you could lead you to an early demise. It is a well known fact that what an individual earns is not a major determinant of his wealth. The reason being that the money has conflicting needs. Our society is constantly changing so also our desires and needs. Certain people prefer sinking in the sea of illusions rather than have the freedom of real wealth. They choose lifestyle rather than riches. Many bosses are the ones that are caught by this problem. They always spend so much money on rather liabilities than assets. They feel investment is waste of good money. They are tied to just what they earn. Some of them rather think that very huge sums of money are required for investments without knowing that you have to start gradually and invest in good ventures. The money keeps increasing and multiplying itself. Some people blame their incapability to the fact that they are from very poor families. Research has shown that people from poor families are more hardworking than their rich counterparts. The fact is that we are on an endless treadmill where we work, generate income, expend our incomes and continue working. Robert Kiyosaki calls it the “rat race”. It is a race where very hardworking people who choose to toil for their money and not embezzle end up with nothing to show for their labour because the income is already expended before it is received. Riches increase rather than satisfy desires. Wealth creation entails proper financial management. It is difficult for people to practice this because they consider it too risky. Remember there’s a risk in crossing the road and there’s a risk in not crossing the road. Every bit of money we get our hands on gives us the power to choose our future whether to be rich or poor. This money is a little soldier on our battlefield of wealth. Liabilities kills the soldier while asset empowers the soldier to produce more soldiers of its kind to continue battling for your financial security.
The basics towards wealth creation is paying yourself first. Something of note is that you are part of the reason other people get wealthy. Each liability bought empowers another man’s soldier to multiply. Financial intelligence according to Robert J. Kiyosaki is made up of the ability to read numbers, the science of making money from nothing, understanding market trends and the awareness of the laws and
regulations governing investing. A combination of all these elements is needed to become successful in wealth creation.
Financial intelligence is necessary for the making of a good investor. Becoming a good and knowledgeable investor comes by experience most times. The media today has made very inexpensive convenient ways of educating you about financial markets.
Saturday, April 11, 2015
Fayose refers to Jonathan as "That stupid President"
According to abusidiqu.com, sources inside the presidency alleged
that Fayose’s trouble with President Jonathan started during his
re-election campaign. It was alleged that Jonathan entrusted his N21
billion campaign fund into Fayose’s hands which he allegedly mismanaged.
PDP sources said the president is angry with Fayose over the
mismanagement of campaign cash and an image problem the governor caused
him by his relentless attacks on the president-elect, General Muhammadu
Buhari, which raised support for the retired general while diminishing
the profile of the president.
Security sources said Fayose compounded problems for himself by condemning President Jonathan for not using soldiers for the election.
“Security officers were holding a meeting with the governor and he was told to ensure adequate security to douse tension. Carelessly, the governor said he was not sure whether “that stupid President will agree like he refused to do during the presidential election”
Security sources said Fayose compounded problems for himself by condemning President Jonathan for not using soldiers for the election.
“Security officers were holding a meeting with the governor and he was told to ensure adequate security to douse tension. Carelessly, the governor said he was not sure whether “that stupid President will agree like he refused to do during the presidential election”
“Unfortunately, Fayose did not know that he was being
recorded. The tape was sent to the President who after listening to it
decided to leave Fayose to his fate.”
Yesterday, Governor Ayodele Fayose was said to have sensed the danger coming for being rude to his political god-father, the man who brought him back into Ekiti State House from exile
Yesterday, Governor Ayodele Fayose was said to have sensed the danger coming for being rude to his political god-father, the man who brought him back into Ekiti State House from exile
He reportedly moved almost all his property from the Ekiti State
House. Four Hilux vans were seen moving his personal belongings from
the Governor’s Lodge to his Spotless Hotel.
Each Hilux van made four trips between the State House and the Spotless Hotel on Thursday.
Two weeks ago, Fayose was said to have moved some beds to his Afao and Ibadan homes.
Another source said Fayose’s behaviour betrayed his intention in recent times, citing his last week’s secret journey out of Ekiti State and today’s recorded broadcast to the Ekiti people.
“He likes loud life, but his behaviour recently suggests he is greatly troubled. He sneaked out of Ekiti State last week and quietly entered. Today, he presented a recorded broadcast to the people as a live broadcast.
Something is wrong with oga. The way he is moving his property out of the Government House confirms he is up to a game that is known only to himself,” the source said.
Another source in Abuja said Fayose has been running from pillar to post in order to seek President Jonathan’s forgiveness, citing that the opposition party leaders are the ones using black power to force him to disrespect Jonathan.
Each Hilux van made four trips between the State House and the Spotless Hotel on Thursday.
Two weeks ago, Fayose was said to have moved some beds to his Afao and Ibadan homes.
Another source said Fayose’s behaviour betrayed his intention in recent times, citing his last week’s secret journey out of Ekiti State and today’s recorded broadcast to the Ekiti people.
“He likes loud life, but his behaviour recently suggests he is greatly troubled. He sneaked out of Ekiti State last week and quietly entered. Today, he presented a recorded broadcast to the people as a live broadcast.
Something is wrong with oga. The way he is moving his property out of the Government House confirms he is up to a game that is known only to himself,” the source said.
Another source in Abuja said Fayose has been running from pillar to post in order to seek President Jonathan’s forgiveness, citing that the opposition party leaders are the ones using black power to force him to disrespect Jonathan.
Friday, April 10, 2015
scholarship positions
New Scholarships and Financial Aid Updates from Scholarship-Positions.com
Please find recently updated scholarships on Scholarship-Positions.com. Help Others: Please forward this email to your friends if they are also interested in scholarships.
Commonwealth Scholarships for Developing Commonwealth Countries’ Students, UK
Provided by: UK Department for International Development (DFID), United Kingdom Courses: Master’s, PhD and split-site (PhD) Degree Program Subjects: Open for all subject areas offered at UK universities Eligible Students: Open for Students from Developing Commonwealth Country (Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belize, Bermuda, Botswana, Cameroon, Cayman Islands, Dominica, Falkland Islands, The Gambia, Ghana, Gibraltar, Grenada, Guyana, India, Jamaica, Kenya, Kiribati, Lesotho, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mauritius, Montserrat, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nigeria, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, St Helena, St Kitts and Nevis, St Lucia, St Vincent and The Grenadines, Samoa, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Swaziland, Tanzania, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and Caicos Islands, Tuvalu, Uganda, Vanuatu, Virgin Islands (British) and Zambia). Application Deadline 3rd December 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, academic scholarships, developing countries, Featured,Master's, PhD, scholarships, UK Scholarships for International Students in Australia, 2015 Provided by: Various Courses: Multiple Degree Programs Subjects: Multiple Subjects Eligible Students: Open for International Students Application Deadline Varies Apply Now Tags: 2014, 2015, academic scholarships, Australia,College, Graduate, International, Postgraduate, scholarships, Study Abroad, Undergraduate Vanier Canada Graduate Scholarships for Canadian and International Students, 2014/2015 Provided by: Government of Canada Courses: PhD Programme Subjects: Multiple Subjects Eligible Students: Open for Canadian and international students Application Deadline November 5, 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2014, 2015, academic scholarships, Canada,Featured, Government, International, New Scholarships,PhD, scholarships International PhD Studentship in Engineering at Cardiff University in UK, 2015 Provided by: Cardiff University, United Kingdom Courses: PhD Research Program Subjects: Engineering Eligible Students: Open for the Students of any Nationality Application Deadline 30 November 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Cardiff University, Engineering, International, PhD, research, Studentship, UK International Space University MSc Scholarship Program in France, 2015 Provided by: The International Space University, France Courses: Msc Program Subjects: Multiple Subjects Eligible Students: Open for International Students Application Deadline 15th March 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, academic scholarships, Canada,College, developing countries, Europe,Featured, France, Graduate, International, Master, MSc, Scholarship, University, USA International Masters Excellence Scholarships at Newcastle University in UK, 2015 Provided by: Newcastle University, United Kingdom Courses: Masters Degree Program Subjects: Medical Sciences MSc course and the following suite of MRes courses: Ageing and Health, Animal Behaviour, Biotechnology and Business Enterprise, Biosciences, Cancer, Cardiovascular Science in Health and Disease, Diabetes, Epidemiology, Evolution and Human Behaviour, Immunobiology, Medical and Molecular Biosciences, Medical Genetics, Medical Sciences, Mitochondrial Biology and Medicine, Molecular Microbiology, Nanomedicine, Neuromuscular Diseases,Neuroscience ,Stem Cells and Regenerative Medicine, Systems Biology, Toxicology, Translational Medicine and Therapeutics and Transplantation. Eligible Students: Open to International Students Application Deadline 10 July 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Excellence, International, Master's, Newcastle University, scholarships, UK African Peacebuilding Network (APN) Individual Research Grants in Africa, 2015 Provided by: The African Peace building Network (APN) of the Social Science Research Council (SSRC) Courses: Research Program Subjects: Support is available for research and analysis on issues such as the following: Root causes of conflict and conflict prevention, mediation, management, resolution, and transformation -Environmental change and conflict -Post-conflict elections, democratization, and governance The relationship between peace building and state building, including state-society relations and state reconstruction, Transitional justice, reconciliation, and human rights, Economic and financial dimensions of conflict, peacekeeping, and peace support operations, Disarmament, demobilization, and reintegration (DDR), Security sector reform (SSR), Media, civil society, and peace, Peace partnerships involving the UN, the AU, Regional Economic Communities (RECs), and civil society, Gender and peace building and Peace education and social change. Eligible Students: Open for African Citizens Application Deadline December 14, 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Africa, GRANTS, research International Huxley Scholarships at University of Brighton in UK, 2015 Provided by: University of Brighton, United Kingdom Courses: MSc and MRes Programmes Subjects: Biomedical Sciences MSc, Industrial Pharmaceutical Sciences MSc, Pharmacology MSc, Bioscience MRes, Ecology MRes, Chemistry MRes and Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Sciences MRes Eligible Students: Open for International Students Application Deadline 31 March 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, International, Master's, Merit-based, scholarships, UK, University of Brighton Dr. Nancy Foster Scholarship Program for Graduate Students in USA, 2015 Provided by: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Office of National Marine Sanctuaries Courses: Graduate-level Studies (Masters or Doctoral Degree) Subjects: Oceanography, marine biology, or maritime archaeology (including all science, engineering, social science and resource management of ocean and coastal areas). Eligible Students: Open for Students of USA Application Deadline December 10, 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, DOCTORAL, Master's, Scholarship, USA, women 2014 DTU PhD Position in Lab-on-a-Chip Biophotonics, Denmark Provided by: Technical University of Denmark Courses: PhD Research Program Subjects: Lab-on-a-Chip Biophotonics Eligible Students: Open for Danish Citizens Application Deadline 2 November, 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2014, Denmark, PhD, research UNC PhD Scholarships in Physical Activity and Sleep Behaviours, Australia Provided by: The National Health and Medical Research Council and National Heart Foundation Courses: PhD degree level Subjects: Physical activity and sleep behaviours Eligible Students: Open to international students Application Deadline 15 November, 2014 Apply Now Tags: Australia, International, PhD, scholarships Critical Language Scholarship (CLS) Program in USA, 2015 Provided by: U.S. Department of State Courses: Language Program Subjects: CLS Program provides instruction in thirteen critical languages. All levels (Beginning, Advanced Beginning, Intermediate and Advanced) are offered for each language (Azerbaijani, Bangla, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Punjabi, Turkish, Urdu, Arabic, Persian, Chinese, Japanese and Russian). Eligible Students: Open for US Citizens Application Deadline 12 November 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Graduate, Language, Scholarship, Undergraduate, USA Blue Bag Water Innovation Award for Indonesian Students in Sweden, 2015 Provided by: Sqore, Lund University, IKEA Indonesia and Mercy Corps Courses: Master’s Programme Subjects: Water Resources Engineering Eligible Students: Open for the Students of Indonesia Application Deadline November 30, 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Award, Indonesia, Master's, Scholarship, Sweden Oxford-Leon E and Iris Beghian Graduate Scholarships in UK, 2015-2016 Provided by: University of Oxford, United Kingdom Courses: DPhill Degree Program Subjects: Anthropology or Condensed Matter Physics Eligible Students: Open for UK Students Application Deadline 23 January 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, 2016, Anthropology, Graduate, scholarships, UK, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD 2015 Central Coast Campus Equity Scholarships at University of Newcastle, Australia Provided by: University of Newcastle, Australia Courses: Undergraduate Subjects: Multiple Subjects Eligible Students: Open for Australian Citizen or Permanent Resident Application Deadline 7 March 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Australia, Scholarship, Undergraduate Erasmus Mundus International Scholarships for MA LLL Programme, 2015 Provided by: The European Commission, Europe Courses: Master’s Degree Program Subjects: Masters in Lifelong Learning (MA LLL) Programme Eligible Students: Open for Students of all Countries Application Deadline 10 December 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Australia, Erasmus Mundus, Europe, International, Master's, Scholarship, Spain, UK Durham International Senior Fellowships for Researchers in UK, 2015-2016 Provided by: The EU Marie Curie, United Kingdom Courses: Research Program Subjects: Multiple Courses Eligible Students: Open to International Students Application Deadline 9 January 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, 2016, Durham University, Fellowships, International, research, UK Edinburgh College of Art PhD and PG Scholarships in UK, 2015-2016 Provided by: University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom Courses: PhD and Postgraduate Degree Program Subjects: Art, Design, Architecture and Landscape Architecture and Music Eligible Students: Open to International Students Application Deadline 10 April 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, 2016, Art, International Students, PhD, scholarships, UK, University of Edinburgh Big Data Analytics Scholarships for Masters Students in UK, 2015 Provided by: Sheffield Hallam University, United Kingdom Courses: Masters Degree Program Subjects: Big Data Analytics Eligible Students: Open to Students from Malaysia and Indonesia Application Deadline 31 May 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Indonesia, Malaysia, Master's, scholarships, Sheffield Hallam University, UK Sainsbury Visiting Research Fellowships at University of East Anglia in UK, 2015 Provided by: The Sainsbury Research Unit, United Kingdom Courses: Doctoral Research Subjects: Humanities and Social Sciences as Anthropology, Art History, Archaeology, History and related disciplines Eligible Students: Open for students of UK Application Deadline 28th November 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Fellowships, International, research, UK HSA Animal Welfare Research Training (PhD) Scholarship in UK, 2015 Provided by: Humane Slaughter Association (HSA), United Kingdom Courses: Research leading to a Doctoral Degree Subjects: Open for improving the welfare of food animals worldwide Eligible Students: Open for UK and International Students Application Deadline 19 November 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, International, PhD, research, Scholarship, training, UK, Veterinary IWC Partial Scholarships for International and Australian Students, 2015 Provided by: International WaterCentre, Australia Courses: Masters, Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate Program Subjects: Integrated Water Management Eligible Students: Open for International and Australian Students Application Deadline 31 January 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Australia, Diploma, International, Management, Master's, scholarships ARC Linkage PhD Scholarship at Flinders University in Australia, 2015 Provided by: The School of International Studies, Flinders University, Australia Courses: PhD Research Program Subjects: Open for Research project entitled ‘Creating and sustaining a strong future for volunteering in Australia’ Eligible Students: Open for Australian citizen, or a NZ citizen or an Australian permanent resident Application Deadline 31 December 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Australia, New Zealand, PhD, research, Scholarship GATRA Antithrombin Research Awards in Spain, 2015 Provided by: Grifols, Spain Courses: Research Programme Subjects: Antithrombin Research Eligible Students: Open for Spanish Students Application Deadline April 15, 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Awards, research, Spain 2014 University of Melbourne Research Fellowship in Computer Science, Australia Provided by: University of Melbourne, Australia Courses: Research Programme Subjects: Computer Science Eligible Students: Open for Australian Students Application Deadline 23 November, 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2014, Australia, Computer Science, Fellowship, research, University of Melbourne Newcastle University Overseas Research Scholarship (NUORS) in UK, 2015/2016 Provided by: Newcastle University, United Kingdom Courses: PhD Research Programme Subjects: Multiple Subjects Eligible Students: Open for International Students Application Deadline 24th April 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, International, PhD, research, Scholarship, UK Broadleaf Capital International MBA Scholarship at UNSW in Australia, 2015 Provided by: Broadleaf Courses: Masters Degree Progarm Subjects: AGSM (Australian Graduate School of Management) MBA Program Eligible Students: Open for Australian Students Application Deadline 30th November, 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Australia, MBA, Scholarship School of Information Technologies Postgraduate Coursework Entry Scholarships in Australia, 2015 Provided by: The University of Sydney, Australia Courses: Masters Subjects: Master of Information Technology, Master of Information Technology Management or the combined Master of Information Technology / Master of Information Technology Management Eligible Students: Open to domestic and international students Application Deadline 2 February 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Australia, Domestic, Information technology, International, Master's, Scholarship Nuffield College CESS Research Position for International Students in UK, 2015 Provided by: Google Inc., Courses: Research Programme Subjects: Project focuses on developing innovative strategies for conducting experiments on the Internet. Eligible Students: Open for Scholars from any Country Application Deadline 17 November, 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, International, research, UK The Greenbank Scholarship for Masters Students in UK, 2015-2016 Provided by: University of Edinburgh in United Kingdom Courses: Masters Degree Program Subjects: Multiple Subjects Eligible Students: Open to International Students Application Deadline 1 May 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, 2016, International, Master's, Scholarship, UK, University of Edinburgh STEM Chateaubriand Fellowship in France, 2015 Provided by: Embassy of France in the United States, Office for Science and Technology (OST) Courses: Doctoral research programme Subjects: Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics & Health Eligible Students: Open for Students registered in an American university (U.S. citizenship is not required). Application Deadline January 20, 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, 2016, France, International, USA AFE Paul Ecke Jr. Floriculture MS/PhD Scholarship in USA, 2015 Provided by: American Floral Endowment (AFE), United States of America Courses: Graduate Studies (MS or PhD) Subjects: Floriculture Eligible Students: Open for U.S. Citizens, Permanent Residents and International Students Application Deadline February 1, 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, Graduate, International, Master's, Merit-based, PhD, Scholarship, USA SoC Design Lab. Research Position for International Students at Chosun University in Korea, 2015 Provided by: SoC Design Lab. Dept. of Information and Communication Eng., Chosun University, GwangJu, Korea Courses: Research Programme Subjects: Digital ASIC Design / Embedded Processor Application / ASIP design for Information & Communication, Familiar with Channel Code like LDPC or LT Code or Polar Code and Familiar with C Language, Verilog HDL and EDA tools like Design Compiler. Eligible Students: Open for Foreign Students Application Deadline Contact Employer Apply Now Tags: 2015, Engineering, International, Korea, research Oxford-Cocker Graduate Scholarship in UK, 2015-2016 Provided by: University of Oxford in United Kingdom Courses: Graduate Degree Program Subjects: Multiple Courses Eligible Students: Open to Students from EEA or Switzerland Application Deadline 23 January 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, 2016, Fully Funded, Graduate, Scholarship, UK, UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD Southampton University Free MOOC Course For International Students Southampton University Opens the Doors to Worldwide Students With Its Free Digital Marketing MOOC Course Southampton University has extended its reach and expertise to a wide array of international students located across the globe. The .......[Read More] Cambridge Set to Witness EF Education First Headquarters Soon The world recognized, global education company, EF Education First, is all set to debut its headquarters at the stretch between Charlestown and Cambridge. This 300,000 square foot structure, which costs $125 million, will open at .......[Read More] NSWRL Partnerships With ICMS to Provide Educational Scholarships New South Wales Rugby League or NSWRL has recently struck a crucial educational partnership with renowned International College of Management, Sydney, with an aim to offer industry placement positions and tuition fee scholarships to all .......[Read More] Indian Students To Receive GREAT Scholarship To Study In UK Students who are eagerly waiting to study in top universities of UK for higher studies but falling short of money have great news. Vince Cable, UK’s Business Secretary has announced the introducing of scholarship worth.......[Read More] What To Do With A Doctorate In English Literature? Studying English literature is a theoretical discipline which includes the study of literatures written in English Language from all over the world. PhD in English Literature gives you the opportunity to explore the language, analyzing .......[Read More] 2015 EPFL Research Internships In Switzerland Ecole Polytechnique is inviting applications for Exciting Research Internships at EPFL. Internships are offered in excellence in research and international recognition in all five schools of EPFL. .......[ Read More] 2015 IHSP Paid Internship Program In Canada Applications are invited for the Institute for Health and Social Policy (IHSP) Internship program. The program offers research opportunities and diverse training that build on the strengths of graduate and undergraduate education at McGill University.......[Read More] 2015 ISDP Internship For Graduates at Asia, Russia & Turkey Institute for Security and Development Policy is inviting applications for internship opportunities for Asia program & silk road studies program. Applicants must have an undergraduate degree in social sciences, economics or law. Students of Asia.......[Read More] 2015 Equine Veterinary Internship In Australia Applications are invited for Equine Veterinary Internship program which is open for the applicants of Australia. Interns will assist in the training of undergraduate and postgraduate students through demonstration and practical instruction in clinical, teaching .......[Read More] 2015 Google Business Associate Internship Throughout EMEA Google is offering Business Associate internships in EMEA to students who have currently enrolled in a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree program. As an intern, applicant will have the opportunity to work on projects core to .......[Read More] CRS International Development Fellows Program (IDFP), 2015/2016 Provided by: Catholic Relief Services Courses: Fellowship Program Subjects: The program will focus on Agriculture, Health, Peacebuilding, Education, Microfinance or a combination of these. Eligible Students: Open for International Applicants (must be legally authorized to work in the United States) Application Deadline 1 December, 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, 2016, academic scholarships, agriculture,EDUCATION, Fellowship, International, USA University College Maastricht Scholarships for Non EU Students in Netherlands, 2015 Provided by: University College Maastricht (UCM), Netherlands Courses: Bachelor's programme Subjects: Liberal Arts & Sciences Eligible Students: Open for International Students Application Deadline January 5th, 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, academic scholarships, College,International,Liberal Arts, Maastricht, Netherlands, New Scholarships,Scholarship, Sciences, Undergraduate, University Wellcome Trust Research Training Fellowships in UK or Republic of Ireland, 2015 Provided by: The Wellcome Trust Courses: Research Programme Subjects: Medical, dental, veterinary or clinical psychology Eligible Students: Open for EU/EEA students Application Deadline 1 December 2014 Apply Now Tags: 2015, academic scholarships, Fellowships,Ireland, research, training, UK, Wellcome Trust Agriculture Scholarships, 2015 Provided by: Various Courses: Various Subjects: Agriculture Eligible Students: Various Application Deadline Various Apply Now Tags: 2014, 2015, academic scholarships, agriculture,College, Fellowships, PhD, Postdoctoral, Postgraduate, research, Scholarship, Undergraduate Scholarships for Rwandan Students, 2014 Provided by: Various Courses: Various programme Subjects: Multiple Subjects Eligible Students: Open for Rwandan students Application Deadline Various Apply Now Tags: 2014, 2015, academic scholarships, Africa,College, Fellowships, Graduate, Master's, PhD, Postdoctoral, Postgraduate, research, Rwanda, scholarships, Undergraduate Scholarships for Italian Students, 2014 Provided by: Various Courses: Various Subjects: Various Eligible Students: Open for Students of Italy Application Deadline Various Apply Now Tags: 2014, 2015, academic scholarships, Bursaries,College, Fellowship, Graduate, Italy, Master's, Postdoctoral, Postgraduate, Scholarship, Undergraduate, University of Wuerzburg Scholarships for Austrian Students, 2014 Provided by: Various Courses: Various Subjects: Various Eligible Students: Open for Students of Austria Application Deadline Various Apply Now Tags: 2014, 2015, academic scholarships, Austria,College, GRANTS, Postdoctoral, Postgraduate, research, Scholarship, Undergraduate, University Norway Scholarships, 2014 Provided by: Various Courses: Various programme Subjects: Multiple Subjects Eligible Students: Open for student of Norway Application Deadline Various Apply Now Tags: 2014, 2015, academic scholarships, College,Featured, Fellowship, Graduate, Norway, PhD, Postgraduate, research, Scholarship, Studentship, Undergraduate 2015 SUPA Prize PhD Studentships in Physics for International Students, UK Provided by: The Scottish Universities Physics Alliance (SUPA), United Kingdom Courses: PhD Program Subjects: Astronomy and Space Physics. Condensed Matter and Materials Physics, Energy, Particle Physics, Photonics, Physics and Life Sciences and Nuclear and Plasma Physics Eligible Students: Open for Students of all Countries Application Deadline 31st January 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, academic scholarships, Astronomy,International,PhD, Physics, Scotland, Studentship, UK Top Nursing Scholarships for College in USA Provided by: Various Courses: Various Subjects: Nursing Eligible Students: Various Application Deadline Various Apply Now Tags: 2014, 2015, academic scholarships, International,Nursing, Scholarship, USA TWAS Research Grants Programme in Basic Sciences, 2015 Provided by: Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) and the Italian government Courses: Research Program Subjects: Basic Sciences Eligible Students: Open to students of developing countries (Afghanistan, Algeria, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bahrain Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bolivia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Botswana, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Burkina Faso, Burma, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African, Republic Chad, Chile, People's Republic of China, Colombia, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Costa Rica, Côte d'Ivoire, Croatia, Djibouti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, The Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guatemala, Guinea, Guinea?Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Hungary, Indonesia, India, Iran, Iraq, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lebanon, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Lithuania, Macedonia, Madagascar, Malawi, Malaysia, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mexico, Federated States of Micronesia, Moldova, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, Nicaragua, Niger, Nigeria, Oman, Pakistan, Palau, Panama, Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, Peru, Philippines, Poland, Qatar, Romania, Russia, Rwanda, Saudi Arabia, Samoa, São Tomé and Príncipe, Senegal, Serbia, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, South Africa, Somalia, Sri Lanka, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint- Vincent and the Grenadines, South Sudan, Sudan, Suriname, Swaziland, Syria, Tajikistan, Tanzania, Thailand, Timor?Leste, Togo, Tonga, Trinidad and Tobago, Tunisia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Tuvalu, Uganda, Ukraine, United Arab Emirates, Uruguay, Uzbekistan, Vanuatu, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zambia, Zimbabwe) Application Deadline 31st August 2015 Apply Now Tags: 2015, academic scholarships, Biology,Chemistry, developing countries, mathematics,Physics, Postdoctoral, research, Scholarships for Women |
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